Association of Professional Shooting Instructors
A membership organisation for professional shooting instructors

Why Join APSI?
First discussed in 1997, Association of Professional Shooting Instructors set out to look after the best interests of those who provide professional coaching in both game and clay shooting.
- APSI was formalised in 1998 and is widely acknowledged to be the leading professional shooting instructor association in the UK. Whilst all coaching levels are represented, it has become the natural home for many of the leading coaches in both game and clay shooting.
- APSI enjoys a strong international presence, and welcomes professional shooting instructors worldwide among its membership.
- APSI has a seat on the British Shooting Sports Council, the principal interface between the shooting fraternity and Government. The BSSC enables the concerns of its members to be discussed directly with the decision makers. This impacts proposed legislation that might be contrary to the best interests of shooting.
- APSI instructor courses are recognised as the most comprehensive and effective available: successful participants achieve the all-important APSI instructor qualification.
- APSI’s essential professional shooting instructor insurance covers work on the shooting ground and in the field: it’s a vital safeguard to have in place should the unthinkable happen.
- APSI membership opens the door to many of the most prestigious shooting grounds in the UK, where the APSI qualification is a prerequisite for employment.
- Over the years APSI membership has grown to include major shooting schools and international members. It offers access to training courses, health and safety certificates and safety standards as well as more member benefits.
- The 2025 APSI AGM will be held at Lady’s Wood Shooting School on March 24, at 2pm. Lunch will be provided from 1pm, all members welcome. This is a great opportunity to catch up with old friends!

Insurance, Health and Safety

APSI’s Early History


British Shooting Sports Council

News & Media